September 23, 2016

Knee Replacement in India
Before you opt for knee replacement, it is very important that you know what the surgery involves. Also called as knee arthroplasty, knee replacement is a surgical procedure that involves replacing the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint. This is done to relieve the joint of pain and/or disability. It is most commonly performed for osteoarthritis. Other cases in which it might be performed are diseases such as rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. Then again, other cases such as trauma or long-standing osteoarthritis involve the need to perform a knee replacement. Whether the surgery is complicated or carries risk will depend from case to case.
Knee Replacement in India
A number of patients from all over the world come to India to get their knee and joint replacement surgeries done. The main reason for this inflow is the cost. India is cheaper than western countries such as USA and UK and also from other Asian countries such as Singapore. At the same time, the quality of infrastructure is unmatched at times. The country boasts of world-class doctors and facilities. Shall you wish to know more about them,
feel free to contact us on info@planmymedicaltrip.com. Our International Patients Department will be more than happy to help.
Why Should I Undergo Knee Replacement?
A lot of patients want to know whether it is really important for them to undergo this surgery. The answer to that is yes. If your doctor/healthcare physician has recommended that you do, it is advisable. You can also contact us for a free second opinion. This surgery will relieve pain, improve your mobility, and also your quality of life.
Just like other surgeries, a knee replacement surgery also involves risks. These might be infections, stiffness, loosening, etc. Sometimes, there is a chance of blood clots. In this case, your doctor might prescribe blood thinners.
Post-surgery Care
After knee replacement surgery, don't pivot, kneel, squat, or twist on the involved leg for at least six weeks. When in bed, keep the involved knee as straight as possible. It is advised you opt for physiotherapy in India itself as the doctors can then monitor your progress better.
How long will My Surgery Last?
As there have been advancements in this field over the last years, it is said that 85% of cases in this surgery will last 20 years or even more.
Knee replacement surgeries accounted for 4.6% of all United States operating room procedures in 2011, with 718,000 hospitalizations. Also the number of surgeries performed in U.S. hospitals increased by 93% between the ten-year period from 2001 to 2011.
Cost of Knee Replacement Surgery in India
This is a general cost of knee replacement surgery in India as compared to western countries such as USA and UK. As you can see, the cost is way less than the other two.
Procedure | USA($) | UK($) | INDIA($) |
Total Knee Replacement | 40000 | 13000 | 8500 |
Knee replacement (unilateral) | 32000 | 38000 | 3000 |
Knee replacement (bilateral) | 54920 | 56000 | 5100 |
If you are considering undertaking knee replacement in India, this information is all that you need. For the other important things, such as selection of doctors, visa processes, please get in touch with our IPD.
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September 23, 2016

IVF Surrogacy Treatment in India
Surrogacy is a medical treatment, which engages a woman who agrees to become a carrier for intended parents or even an individual. Yes, the term carrier refers to a woman who conceives a baby. She makes these efforts only for someone who is incapable to deliver their own baby. This woman, who carries a child for some other couple or individual, is also called a Surrogate Mother.
Before we move ahead to the cost and legality, let us first understand the two main types of surrogacies: traditional and gestational. The basic cycle of the treatment remains the same for both. In the traditional approach, a genetic link is retained in between the potential parents and the surrogate mother. This type of method is thus chosen by infertile patients. In this type of surrogacy, the surrogate mother donates her own egg. As far as the semen is concerned, it is either taken from the intended parents or any other sperm donor. The completion of this process is achieved by a method called as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Since the egg is donated by the surrogate in this case, she remains the biological mother of the child. In the other type-gestational surrogacy-there remains no biological link between the surrogate and the baby. The eggs are donated by the mother or an egg donor and the sperm is donated by the father or a sperm donor. The egg is then developed into embryos with the procured sperm. In this method the baby will not have any biologically relation with the surrogate as the eggs belong either to the mother or a donor. The surrogate is only 'renting her womb'.
Why opt for India? Is it completely legal?
Choosing India as your destination for surrogacies is a financially intelligent decision to make. The costs for this treatment vary tremendously abroad and here. Also, one of the most important factors is that surrogacy is legal in India, even if it is done so for financial gain. Then again, the laws governing surrogacy in India are very clear. For example, sex-selective surrogacy in India is not allowed; government law says it should be prohibited. All cases of surrogacy should be and must be governed by the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971 only.
What is the procedure for opting IVF surrogacy in India?
IVF procedures in India are conducted by doctors in their private clinics, in hospitals, or in medical centers that specialize in these treatments. You can contact our International Patients Department for any queries that you might have about the process; they will be more than happy to help.
What is the cost of opting IVF surrogacy in India?
The cost of surrogate recruitment in India is approximately US $1,000, while that for surrogate endometrial preparation is US $2000. The total IVF fees are roughly US $4,000. These numbers can change according to expectations regarding the procedure from the client's side. These expectations include whether the surrogacy has to be done at a premium facility, if they want a full-time nurse, etc.
Including the costs of flight tickets, medical procedures and hotels, it comes to roughly a third of the price compared with going through the procedure in the UK. - India Business Report, BBC World
The information provided above will make you more confident about opting for IVF Surrogacy in India. If there is any doubt in your mind, you can read stories of couples who have opted for this treatment in India and are today blessed with children.
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September 23, 2016

Hip Replacement in India
332,000 total hip replacements are performed in the United States each year - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Before we understand the scenario of hip replacement surgery in India, it is important we know what this surgery means properly. In this surgery, the doctor surgically removes a hip joint that is causing pain due to arthritis. He then replaces it with an artificial joint. The material used for this artificial joint is usually metal or plastic.
Why Should I Opt for Hip Replacement Surgery in India?
As is known by everyone, India is a fantastic market for medical treatment due to its low costs. There are no waiting lines and some of the best doctors are available for treatment at cheaper costs. Also, in cases such as Hip Replacement, the patient is usually suggested a recovery period of a week to ten days before travel. This kind of rehabilitation is easily possible in India.
What Activities Should I Avoid After Hip Replacement Surgery?
You should avoid pivoting and/or twisting on the involved leg for at least six to 12 months after your hip replacement surgery. You should also avoid squatting. A physical therapist will guide you with necessary techniques that will help you while performing daily activities. It is very important to follow these guidelines, the failure to do which might result in dislocation and the need for another surgery.
How Long Will My New Joint Last After Hip Replacement Surgery?
When hip replacement surgeries were performed initially, it was believed that the artificial joint would last for roughly 10 years. However, with time it was known that at least 85% were lasting for about 20 years. Improvements and advancements in this field have ensured this increase in the duration of their lasting nature.
Why Do People Have Hip Replacement Surgery?
If your healthcare practitioner has advised a hip replacement surgery, it is because there is pain. Undergoing this surgery would mean decrease in that pain. The surgery would also imply that there is increased mobility, further enhancing quality of life.
The Cost Of Hip Replacement in India starts from around USD 6,000. However, this cost can vary depending on several factors such as the surgeon and implant you choose, the facility where you intend to get treated, and also the city. Our IPD department ensures that your treatment is tailor-made keeping in mind all of these expectations.
Why Choose PlanMyMedicalTrip.com?
There are many reasons why you should choose PlanMyMedicalTrip.com. The main reason is that we are not a sole identity functioning from one space. Depending on our client’s requirements, we can provide treatment in any area of the country, from any surgeon that they wish. Another requirement is that we provide all the required solutions such as hotel bookings, visa assistance, foreign exchange, transport, etc.
Shall you wish to get in touch with us, or need free medical consultation, please feel free to write to us at
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September 23, 2016

Dental Treatment in India
Should I Opt for Dental Treatment in India?
India has approximately 289 dental colleges with around 25,000 graduates each year.
Government Statistics
India's medical tourism industry is booming and there is nothing new about it. The Government is taking strong steps to enhance the country’s infrastructure even further and working towards creating more awareness of this market on the global stage. Coming from abroad to India for treatment has worked for many foreigners because of lower costs and better facilities. Even the doctors here are more trained at times and more educated.
The Indian Dental System is divided along the following organizations and institutions.
Government organizations
- Government Dental Colleges
- Government Medical Colleges and Dental Wing
- District Hospitals with Dental Unit
- Community Health Centers
- Primary Health Centers
Non-governmental organizations
- Private Dental Colleges
- Corporate Hospitals with Dental Units.
- Corporate Hospitals with Dental Units.
- Private Medical Colleges with Dental Wing
- Corporate Hospitals with Dental Units.
Private practitioners
- Private dental practitioners
- Private dental hospitals
- Private medical hospitals with dental units
Indigenous systems
- Ayurveda
- Sidda
- Unani
- Homeopathy
There is a huge need for awareness to be created about all these methods on the global stage. The prices in India are competitive, the facilities are huge, and so is the number of doctors
Why Choose PlanMyMedicalTrip.com?
Unlike many leading hospitals or doctors, we aren’t associated with a single entity. Thus, we are not even limited by a geographic location. The charges for dental treatment in India are anyway very less. However, many entities would also resort to sometimes use cheaper materials and not everyone might have great facilities. Coming to India for dental treatment with us would ensure not only competitive fees, but also the best of medical facilities and materials. The advancements in dental tourism are no longer a secret. India is home to the latest of facilities and procedure. All the dentists associated with us our highly skilled and have an experience that spans many years. For more information, you could also talk to our IPD by mailing them your queries at info@planmymedicaltrip.com.
Cost of Dental Procedures in India
The cost of dental procedures would range differently over a lot of options and it all depends on which city you choose to get operated in, from which doctor, and in which facility. Roughly, you would save around half or more of your cost by choosing India over a western, developed country. For example, a metal-free crown (Procera, 3M, or Lava) would cost anywhere between INR 10,000 to INR 20,000 depending on the factors mentioned above.
If you happen to come to India for your dental procedures, you could also combine the same with an alternative therapy trip to another part of the country, something India is famous for all over the world. Sometimes, treatment along with the cost of travel would cost you less in India than a western developed country. If you happen to come to India from a country that doesn’t have relevant infrastructure, you will find no need to worry. We take care of everything from your hotel accommodation to visa assistance and transport in competitive costs. To get a clear picture of our experts work, you could give us a call or send in your queries.
Here are some of the available deals on our portal. Book them soon to avail them.
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September 23, 2016

Cosmetic Surgery in India
Why Is Cosmetic Surgery in India Famous?
Cosmetic surgery is a growing market in India's medical sector. The value of this market according industry experts is USD 25 million and it is growing exponentially. Every year, this sector is said to grow by 20-30%. A lot of foreigners prefer getting treated in India due to the lower costs of several types of treatment.
Market Size
Some of the most famous treatments in India include rhinoplasty; chin, lip, or breast augmentation; dental cosmetic surgery; and hair removal via electrolysis. The capital for cosmetic surgery in India is said to be the city of Mumbai. It is said that plastic surgeons in the city can manipulate several parts of the body through approximately 175-odd invasive and non-invasive procedures.
Cosmetic surgery in Mumbai is more famous because it is the home of Bollywood-India's biggest film industry. Naturally, since it is the country's entertainment capital, 50-60% of cosmetic surgery tourists come here every year
Dental cosmetology is also a highly penetrative market. This is again due to the competitive costs offered by dentists in India who are at most times also more qualified than dentists abroad.
There are over 50 types of specializations in this industry and there are ample experienced doctors and surgeons available in India. Thus, the supply of talented and experienced manpower in India is never a problem.
Cosmetic Surgery in India Costs
Full mouth rehabilitation with bridgework, crowns, and laminates costs 6.5 lakhs; the same procedure costs roughly 20 lakhs outside India. Similarly, a tummy tuck costs about Rs 20 lakhs in western developed countries, but only Rs 2 lakh in India. Breast augmentation will cost you around 2 lakhs less, while rhinoplasty usually starts from Rs 1 lakh. Botox shots also costs way cheaper in India, the reason behind their popularity. Cosmetic surgery packages in India are thus more affordable than their counterparts in western developed countries.
Cosmetic surgeries are needed by many people. Dental cosmetic reconstruction also comes under cosmetic surgery so does scar revision after birth. Similarly, other skin scars and reconstruction also come under this sector.
Why Choose PlanMyMedicalTrip.com?
PlanMyMedicalTrip.com is different from other players in the market because we are not limited by our offering in terms of numbers. We are not limited by a facility, which ensures quicker appointments and several options bifurcated by cost and geography. Apart from these factors, we offer free medical consultation which ensures that the patient is well-aware of what lies ahead while traveling to India. Also, we offer a complete package that includes hotel accommodation for rehabilitation, travel options, visa assistance, foreign exchange, etc.
Medical Tourism in India
India is one of the best countries in to get treated primarily because its offerings are cheaper than abroad packages. Cosmetic surgeries in Pune and Delhi, other important cities in India are also gaining recognition after Mumbai because of highly skilled doctors and facilities. There is a huge market that is still unexplored, which in the end results in lower cost of treatment of foreign patients.
Shall you wish you opt for free medical consultation, please feel free to write to us at info@planmymedicaltrip.com. Our experts will get back to you.
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September 23, 2016

Medical Treatment in Turkey
Turkey is fast becoming a hub for medical tourism and we shouldn’t be surprised. Turkey’s geographic positioning, the affordable treatment it offers, and doctors with experience are fast making the country a hub for medical tourism.
About The Healthcare Sector In Turkey
There are two types of hospitals in Turkey broadly: those run by the Turkish Ministry of Health and those that are run by universities, private companies, etc. While the former owns and operates the larger share (about 55%), the latter has a good share too. Several hospitals have accreditation such as JCI (Joint Commissions International), the JACHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations), etc.
Almost all hospitals in the country boast of English-speaking doctors; the medical staff is also certified. A very good statistic is that Turkey has the most number of Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited hospital. This is the most for any country. Apart from this, there are several collaborations between hospitals in Turkey and medical providers abroad, such as Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins Medicine, etc.
Another interesting fact is that approximately 35% of physicians in Turkey are trained in Western countries and their knowledge is at par with what is available abroad. The technology standard is high in all hospitals and they leave no stone unturned to provide the best of services.
Cost Of Healthcare In Turkey
The cost of healthcare in Turkey is way below what you would find in European countries around. Though the economic crisis might put a tough competition to this, it definitely won’t in the near future.
Medical Tourism In TurkeyWhy Turkey?
The biggest advantage of getting operated in Turkey is that affordable healthcare is available just a few hours away from major cities in Europe. The flights take two to three hours and are not very expensive. The number of flights range anywhere between 300 or more; they land at Turkey’s five major city airports.
Citizens of all countries can obtain a visa to come to Turkey; for some ‘visa on arrival’ can be obtained. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Turkey lists different rules and regulations as per different countries; these can be checked on their official website. A valid passport and corresponding visa are mandatory.
Specific visa requirements for your country can be found at the Turkish MFA website.
Why The Switch?
There are quite a few reasons why people decide to make a switch from their home country to Turkey. Sometimes, patients come from countries that have highly congested health systems. They don't have the freedom to choose their time of surgeries and hence aren't left to plan their days freely.
Affordability of quality treatment is another important factor why patients from more developed countries come to Turkey. They get the same quality of medical treatment in Turkey at a lesser cost; the operations and treatments are also handled by doctors with equally well-educated doctors.
Patients from lesser developed countries come again for the price in which treatment is available, or because a certain type of treatment is not available in their home country. We still have a lot of countries in the world where medical and healthcare infrastructure is still of poor quality.
While these were the top three reasons why patients choose Turkey, another factor is the climate. The weather in the country is always mostly pleasant. This temperate climate also helps in adding a positive attribute to the country's overall image.
Global Acknowledgement
Medical treatment in Turkey is picking up since the last few years now and isn't a thing just recently. Over the years, investors abroad have noticed positive trends in Turkey's medical sector. Some big names that have put money in the country's healthcare sector are Khazanah Nasional-Malaysia's state investment arm, Carlyle—an U.S. private equity firm, ADM Capital-an emerging markets investor, World Bank's International Finance Corp (IFC), Qatar's First Investment Bank, etc.
What's Helping?
When we speak of medical tourism, tourism is an equally important part. In Turkey's case, it is already an established holiday destination. It is positively known as a great place to travel to in the international market. Turkey is safe and it's not at all a country where someone could feel scared traveling to.
Because of its already established travel circuit, Turkey has enough experience of handling a customer base that doesn't speak its language. Most Turkish people who work in private or public sectors are well-versed in English. Most have studied in western universities.
It's geographically not only close to Europe, but also to Gulf states. Even today most patients, who travel to Turkey, travel from the Gulf States, Libya, and Egypt. However, most positive growing numbers are those of Europeans.
Another important factor is that Turkey is a huge country. If it decides to, it still has enough potential to expand its healthcare sector in terms of area, furthermore increasing connectivity to more European and Gulf nations.
What's Not Helping?
The economic breakdown in neighboring countries such as Greece has reduced the price of healthcare within the country. Though the quality of services cannot be compared, it is a selling point for patients who are only focused on price.
The Conclusion
The Health Ministry is taking medical tourism in Turkey very seriously. It plans to reach a total of 2 million medical tourists by the year 2023. It has plans of introducing tax-free healthcare zones for patients; this would invite a lot more patients to the country.
According to various sources, it is believed that patients from western countries can save up to 50-60% on their treatment if they travel to Turkey. This means, in conclusion, that a flight over few hours can reduce one's medical cost by half. Who wouldn't then want to take a flight to such savings?
Why Planmymedicaltrip.com?
Choosing Planmymedicaltrip.com has many advantages. For one, it will make sure that your treatment is taken care of from start to end. All patients get a free consultation from us before suggestion of treatment. Also, the patient gets all services such as hotel bookings, forex and visa assistance, translator, etc., under one roof.