September 23, 2016

Hip Replacement in India
332,000 total hip replacements are performed in the United States each year - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Before we understand the scenario of hip replacement surgery in India, it is important we know what this surgery means properly. In this surgery, the doctor surgically removes a hip joint that is causing pain due to arthritis. He then replaces it with an artificial joint. The material used for this artificial joint is usually metal or plastic.
Why Should I Opt for Hip Replacement Surgery in India?
As is known by everyone, India is a fantastic market for medical treatment due to its low costs. There are no waiting lines and some of the best doctors are available for treatment at cheaper costs. Also, in cases such as Hip Replacement, the patient is usually suggested a recovery period of a week to ten days before travel. This kind of rehabilitation is easily possible in India.
What Activities Should I Avoid After Hip Replacement Surgery?
You should avoid pivoting and/or twisting on the involved leg for at least six to 12 months after your hip replacement surgery. You should also avoid squatting. A physical therapist will guide you with necessary techniques that will help you while performing daily activities. It is very important to follow these guidelines, the failure to do which might result in dislocation and the need for another surgery.
How Long Will My New Joint Last After Hip Replacement Surgery?
When hip replacement surgeries were performed initially, it was believed that the artificial joint would last for roughly 10 years. However, with time it was known that at least 85% were lasting for about 20 years. Improvements and advancements in this field have ensured this increase in the duration of their lasting nature.
Why Do People Have Hip Replacement Surgery?
If your healthcare practitioner has advised a hip replacement surgery, it is because there is pain. Undergoing this surgery would mean decrease in that pain. The surgery would also imply that there is increased mobility, further enhancing quality of life.
The Cost Of Hip Replacement in India starts from around USD 6,000. However, this cost can vary depending on several factors such as the surgeon and implant you choose, the facility where you intend to get treated, and also the city. Our IPD department ensures that your treatment is tailor-made keeping in mind all of these expectations.
Why Choose PlanMyMedicalTrip.com?
There are many reasons why you should choose PlanMyMedicalTrip.com. The main reason is that we are not a sole identity functioning from one space. Depending on our client’s requirements, we can provide treatment in any area of the country, from any surgeon that they wish. Another requirement is that we provide all the required solutions such as hotel bookings, visa assistance, foreign exchange, transport, etc.
Shall you wish to get in touch with us, or need free medical consultation, please feel free to write to us at
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